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Workplace transformation starts with the right partners. This is why we’ve partnered with reputable training institutions and online content providers with proven expertise and experience across various HR topics.

EDDIHS Module 10: Understanding Systems and What That Means for Self

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

HR Consulting, Organisational Change and Future of Work Architect

Basic Level

Relationships and Communication (Foundational)

Through their experiences, participants will gain a deep understanding of each level of the human system and how they interplay with the other. The module will also introduce participants to the theories, models and tools to work with these human dynamics through accurate diagnosis and effective intervention.
EDDIHS Module 9: Understanding the Self in Organisation System

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

HR Consulting, Organisational Change and People Experience

Basic Level

Influence and Inspire Change (Mindsets)

Learners will learn core dialogic frameworks and language to better name and understand personal worldviews, stances, and dispositions that contribute to interpersonal dynamics and consequently also add to the complexity innate within any organisational or even family system.
DDEO Module 8: Priming a System for Innovation Culture

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

HR Consulting and Organisational Change

Basic Level

Influence and Inspire Change (Mindsets)

This module explores tools and techniques used to build psychologically safe containers. Participants will understand what containers are, how they are made, and how they can be sustained across complex systems.
DDEO Module 7: Understanding Moods and Culture

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

HR Consulting and Organisational Change

Basic Level

Relationships and Communication (Foundational)

This module gives insight into the emotional moods that constitute organisational culture. Participants will deep dive into the often unconscious emotional habits i.e. moods of organisations that can be very deterministic of the kinds of behavioural patterns the organisation exhibits and the results produces.
DDEO Module 6: Seeing Covert Dynamics in Our Organisation

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

HR Consulting and Organisational Change

Basic Level

Relationships and Communication (Foundational)

This module is a deep dive into the covert processes at play in any given human system which contribute to organisational dynamics, unpacking them from the lens of organisational psychodynamics and trauma.
DDEO Module 4: Building Resilience in Organisation

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

HR Consulting and Organisational Change

Basic Level

Plan (Functional)

This module unpacks the concept of socio-emotional resilience in organisations and how it supports response to threat, change, or transformation. Learners will understand how we keep our organisations in abundance and healthy enough to weather prolonged strain in the context of resource and manpower constraints.