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Mindsets and Behaviours

The Human Resource (HR) Mindsets and Behaviours are characteristics that manifest in the way HR practitioners think and behave as they approach their HR work, deal with people, and manage workrelated situations.
Uphold Professional Conduct
Uphold Professional Conduct
HR professionals are in a privileged position, dealing with sensitive and confidential information, both at an individual level as well as at the organisational level. HR professionals are positioned to foster a culture of ethical, fair decision-making and behaviour across the organisation.
  • HR professionals should advocate the importance of upholding ethics and acting with integrity across the organisation, seeking to minimise risk for the organisation.
  • HR professionals need to uphold professionalism, acting with integrity and remaining objective, whilst demonstrating empathy as they navigate complex decisions and situations.
  • HR professionals should seek to embed fair and inclusive principles into HR initiatives and organisational policies and processes; this is increasingly important as technology tools and data analytics are deployed to inform or automate decision making and processes.
  • HR professionals should also take personal ownership in developing and maintaining competencies that are expected of credible and competent HR professionals through continuous professional learning. This also extends to championing the concept of lifelong learning and supporting the development of people’s potential with empathy and compassion.