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Mindsets and Behaviours

The Human Resource (HR) Mindsets and Behaviours are characteristics that manifest in the way HR practitioners think and behave as they approach their HR work, deal with people, and manage workrelated situations.
Influence and Inspire Change
Influence and Inspire Change
HR professionals are uniquely positioned to influence, create value and drive sustainable organisational change by providing effective leadership and coaching.
  • HR professionals should be proactive and bold, seeking to bring forward future-focused and innovative viewpoints recommendations to business leaders.
  • HR professionals should be able to build trust and credibility as they navigate relationships with multiple internal and external stakeholders.
  • HR professionals need to be open to receiving and responding to feedback from stakeholders, as they put forth recommendations and develop HR initiatives.
  • HR professionals can maximise their influence and impact by using evidence and persuasive communication to build compelling business cases.
  • HR professionals should act as enablers, coaching business leaders and line managers to develop the capabilities required to enable sustainable organisational change.
  • HR professionals need to think about how to enable successful, sustainable organisational change, considering how to deploy communication approaches and change management interventions in different contexts.
  • Leadership for HR professionals is about demonstrating leadership behaviours and does not imply a need for a formal role or to be in a management position.