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Mindsets and Behaviours

The Human Resource (HR) Mindsets and Behaviours are characteristics that manifest in the way HR practitioners think and behave as they approach their HR work, deal with people, and manage workrelated situations.
Display Business and Financial Acumen
Display Business and Financial Acumen
HR is a critical part of the business rather than playing a supporting role; there is an ever-increasing demand for HR professionals to demonstrate business and financial acumen as they seek to create HR initiatives which enable value creation and the implementation of business strategy.
  • HR professionals need to proactively understand business imperatives, identify problems and mitigate risk. This extends to analysing the impacts of external and internal factors.
  • HR professionals need to be resourceful and innovative to formulate solutions, such as Flexible Wage Systems, that have strong linkages to a business purpose, impact or objectives.
  • HR professionals should be comfortable navigating business and financial metrics, terminology and technology to persuasively demonstrate the impact and benefits of HR initiatives.
  • These mindsets apply equally to HR professionals in the public sector and non-profit organisations, albeit in different organisational contexts and objectives.